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These vaginal suppositories are a natural holistic solution to balance your bacteria, yeast and pH levels. Using them regularly can help create a healthy vaginal environment to fight off bad odors, itchiness and irritability, plus keep your BV symptoms under control. Go here :

Boric Acid Suppositories Have Long Been Recommended By Ob-Gyns & Health Practitioners to Help Treat Persistent or Recurrent Vaginal Issues like Yeast Infections & Bacterial Vaginosis (BV).

Most over the counter boric acid suppositories come in 600 milligram doses that you insert via vaginal suppository daily for 7-14 days. They may also be used to prevent BV after antibiotic treatment.

Is Your Vaginal Odor Normal? A Guide to Understanding Healthy vs. Unhealthy Smells


Place the suppository in the applicator or insert it with your fingers as far into the vagina as it will comfortably go without feeling uncomfortable. Then, lie down and let the suppository absorb into your vagina.

If you experience any pain or discomfort, discontinue use and consult with your healthcare provider. This can reduce your risk of side effects or complications.

A few TikTok influencers have been promoting the idea of using boric acid capsules as a “must-try” cure for everything from managing vaginal odor and pain, to curing dryness, and keeping you feeling fresh down there all day. But is this a valid or safe idea?

Because boric acid is a toxic substance when taken orally, it is best to only use vaginal suppositories. If swallowed, the medication can cause vomiting and abdominal pain. In severe cases, lethargy and kidney failure may occur.

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